Indiehacker Motivation
Just some random inspiration I found online...
The design space for your life is much larger than you can fathom.
There are moves you can make beyond your imagination.
Expand your horizon, and be more aggressive.
Nearly everything you interact with was at some point just an idea in someone's head lol.
Think your product is lame? Ship it anyway!
My best products were the ones I thought were dumb, too simple - or built in less than 24 hours.
hey, you know, you can just do stuff. like, you don't need anybody's permission or anything. you just, you just can come up with stuff.
This distinguishes 99% of ppl from the 1%
1% generally isn't better they just finish their shit and keep trying
Most ppl don't even finish their things
The only way to get an edge in business is to be shameless. Those who are unwilling to be cringe are those unwilling to be rich.
build something so big that you end up removing your previous jobs on linkedin
No amount of self help/love/care can substitute for ACTION. Just do one thing a day that makes you proud of yourself.
(If anything the former reinforces a view of the self as a helpless victim.)
Build that relationship with yourself, that positive feedback loop
The biggest life changing amount of money is not a $10m exit
It's $3k/mo from a SaaS
That's the point most people in the world can quit their job and live life on their own terms. Everything changes.
I should have hurried youth, in truth,
And moved more quickly on -
I should have made the most of youth,
Before the time was gone.
I should have followed fancy, free,
Before it thought to fade -
I should have picked a good degree,
Or found myself a trade.
I should have stopped to stare above;
To share another's dreams -
I should have never welcomed love,
And lost it all, it seems.
No matter what the aim or end -
No matter what you do -
Regrets are part of life, my friend:
Don't let them conquer you.
10x-dev-turned-founder types don’t realize the extent to which their activities can be monetized. they fail to make the rsync -> dropbox conversion. lots of alpha in convincing ppl to charge for these glorified bash scripts, even now, because they will always be in demand
all the returns come from being non consensus and right
What a bummer.
It's so easy to put off the most impactful choices for tomorrow while completing pointless tasks that make us feel like we're making progress.
It's like a spell cast over millions of people.
Whether it takes a loved one dying or a random dude on the internet, you should always keep in the front of your mind that you will cease to exist one day.
So fuck the expectations of others and fuck playing it “safe.”
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
I didn’t realize the cost of building optionality was my time and before I knew it, I was thirty.
The opposite of optionality is action. And action is how you find out what you like to do.
feel the fear and do it anyway
I don't want to get into what I'm into. I'm not a role model for the young guns. You won't understand until you're ready. 1 million is nothing. Money flows like water on the internet. There is no secret barrier stopping you from making millions. No one cares.
I see indie dev threads where kids are stoked they're making 2k a month.
That's a daily rounding error for dudes getting it and not talking about it.
It's is a matter of getting out of your own way, your ego, your preconceptions.
If you don't have a dollar to your name yet, you need to be a few percent delusional optimistic.
If you're real smart, most of your ideas will be crap, but one of those thoughts will be very insightful. Respect your ideas, organize, categorize, and execute on them accordingly. Kill the losers quickly.
This is not a talent show. All that matters is revenue. It is a technical problem. Get out of your own way.
"Stop asking for permission."
Start that Youtube channel. Build a Twitter following. Cold DM celebrities.
Getting out of your comfort zone is the first step towards anything great in life.
So I thought I had missed the good times and almost gave up before I even started, I'm happy I didn't
New technology like AI create new opportunities and you just have to try catch them
But the idea that you're somehow too late I don't think is true, ever
the trillion dollar question is whether any of them have the guts to walk out of the cushy job
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world
The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself
Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man
If you're procrastinating, it might be because you don't (fully) believe it'll lead to outcomes.
If the outcome were guaranteed, you'd be much more urgent.
But it's not.
So your emotions are telling you to give into distractions.
If progress were linear, nobody would quit
If you’re wondering why you keep putting off doing the bold thing you want to do, remember that the fear of ostracization is the fear of death in the wilderness
to live a bolder life, do what feels embarrassing, terrifying, intimidating. do what you’re avoiding. do what you think you might one day be ready for. do what you want to do but think you aren’t good enough to do. do the hard thing over and over and watch your life expand.
Thinking you're late to AI today is like thinking you're late to the Internet in 1996
you are under no obligation to double down on the mistakes of your past self
show up, a lot can change in a year
post-lsd im realizing that i spent a lot of my life keeping a model of what i thought normal people should say in whatever life situation i was in, and then checking whether or not i was following that. it was very strange and sad, i think????
ughh in hindsight, this was a huge mistake (short term thinking)
instead of trying to raise salary by 75k-100k, the correct long term play should have been to focus 100% efforts on building an asset that makes 1M /yr instead of min/maxing salary